Help us continue our rescue mission and restart all our programs! image

Help us continue our rescue mission and restart all our programs!

You have the power to bring real change for people and pups in need of second chances.

$5,425 raised

$5,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

This Giving Tuesday, we are raising money to help us restart our programs. Our program participants in the correctional facilities have been experiencing increased isolation due to “no visitors” and “no volunteer programming” rules.

Changing lives, one dog and person at a time.

Cell Dogs has rescued, trained, and placed over 300 dogs into loving homes. These shelter pups had been given up on and they needed a second chance. So did their trainers.

Hundreds of inmate trainers have participated in our programs. They've learned invaluable life and career skills and, in the process, many found unconditional love for the first time in their lives.

We also had over 15 of our dogs go on to advance training. They are now working as service dogs with children on the autism spectrum, individuals with mobility issues, and veterans with PTSD.

Support our work, please donate now!

Thank you,

The Cell Dogs Team